East Anglia Antenatal 

   Pregnancy Antenatal classes for baby and you!

07519 490065


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Antenatal Class

Questions parents often ask..

  • When should I attend antenatal classes?

You can attend the Yoga for Pregnancy Antenatal classes from 14 weeks pregnant right through your pregnancy.

Antenatal courses are usually attended towards the end of the second trimester or at the start of the third trimester.

  • How long is an Antenatal course?

Evening courses are run over 5 x 2 hour evenings 

Weekend courses are run over 1 Saturday (10-4pm) with a postnatal evening session and a reunion

Refresher courses are run over 4 x 2 hour evenings or 1 Saturday (10-4pm) with a reunion

  • How and when should I book?

Booking over the telephone or by e-mail are fine, please click here to book

  • How many other couples will be on the course?

There are usually between 4 and 8 couples on any course.

  • Should fathers attend?

The course is aimed at both parents and is completely inclusive for the benefit of mothers and fathers

  • What should I wear?

Loose comfortable clothing is fine, anything you would lounge around in at home, trousers are preferable to skirts.

  • My birth partner is my mother/sister/brother can they come?

Yes bring anyone who will be supporting you through your labour and birth

  • I'm interested in your classes but they are not in my area, can you offer me anything locally

We offer personal one to one classes in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Talk to us about your specific requirements, we could run a weekend group workshop in your area.

  • I've booked a course with you, what happens now?

We will write to you confirming your reservation, including a confidential questionnaire, directions to your venue and details of your course start times.

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