East Anglia Antenatal 

   Pregnancy Antenatal classes for baby and you!

07519 490065


Home Birth Options Availability Courses Information Birth Doula


About Us...

At Baby Room we understand that as a pregnant women you have the right and ability to make informed choices about the birth of your baby.  We offer a  variety of Antenatal Courses for both couples and women only, We also offer  information leaflets and a place for you to plan your pregnancy and the birthday of your baby.  

Baby Room shares researched information, friendly tips and provides a place for you to plan the pregnancy and birth you want with all the luxuries you deserve at such a special time.  We also hope to answer any questions you may have along the way with a personal and friendly approach...

I am Kirsten Walker, Antenatal educator and mother of 2 young, energetic boys. I have been leading Antenatal Classes and working with new families for many years.  My hope is that this site will make a difference to the mothers, families and anyone who supports women in birth, sharing the belief that every woman has the right and ability to birth her child with the support and information she needs to make the right choices for herself and her family. 


The beauty of my body is not measured by the size of the clothes it can fit into, but by the stories that it tells. I have a belly and hips that say, "We grew a child in here," and breasts that say, "We nourished life." My hands, with bitten nails and a writer's callus, say, "We create amazing things."

Sarah, from I Am Beautiful: A Celebration of Women in Their Own Words




Contact us: 07519 490065, kirsten@pregnancyclasses.co.uk

Based in Bury St. Edmunds and Suffolk.  

Classes are run across Norfolk,  Suffolk and Cambridgeshire